Maistra's Hotel Adriatic invests further in the safety of its guests and employees

Maistra Hospitality Group has reaffirmed that its concern for the well-being of guests, employees and the community comes first. In addition to continuous compliance with current health and safety recommendations and their implementation, the company has taken a step further by joining the Safe Stay in Croatia project. In cooperation with Velox Pharma, the Adriatic Hotel has installed a Sterionizer – a bipolar ioniser, which negatively affects harmful substances such as particles, bacteria, mould, odours and viruses and creates optimal indoor air hygiene. Rovinj’s oldest hotel is the first in Croatia to use such an air purification device in all of its areas.
The Sterionizer is a patented energy-efficient system based on bipolar ion technology generating positive and negative ions, just like those found in nature, which purify and refresh the indoor air by removing harmful pollutants. It has an extremely high destruction efficiency rate of the coronavirus too.
The device is also installed in all spa centres of the hotels in Maistra’s portfolio, ensuring that all saunas can be operational, including even wet ones, which have so far been inactive due to recommendations and instructions for preventing and combating the spread of COVID-19.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Adriatic Hotel started the Adriatic for Adriatic campaign in 2019, making it the first hotel in Croatia to actively advocate a cleaner working environment and holidays without plastic waste. Adding air purification features is a continuation of its focus to be the “green leader” in the country.